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All About The Teacup Poodle Dog

There are three types of poodles that you can choose from when you are a poodle fan. First you will have to decide how much room you have for the poodle, and then you will have to decide just what kind of affection you really want from your new dog. The teacup poodle is the smallest poodle breed that you can find.

The other two breeds are miniature and standard poodles. The Teacup poodle can only reach a height of ten inches, and are usually about six. They are also about six to nine pounds in weight making them extremely small, like cats.

You may also hear the Teacup poodle referred to as the toy poodle. Their temperament as mentioned above is affectionate, loyal, intelligent, and of course sensitive. You will find they are very active and responsive for their owners, making them one of the easier trained dog breeds. You can work for an hour everyday on training as long as it is fun and active.

They love to learn new things and please their owners. They should be socialized as puppies to help them interact with strangers as well as children. You will find they are very amusing to watch as well as entertaining.

You will find they can be nervous and a little timid, but proper socialization should take care of most of that. You will also want to train for their incessant barking. If you train the dog to only bark as a watchdog they tend to not bark as much. Some people love teacup poodles, but find after a while the barking is too much, so be prepared that early training is needed to head this off.

Proper care of your teacup poodle is absolutely necessary. You will find with proper nutrition, exercise, and love they can live for 12 to 15 years. They need to have regular baths every six weeks to help reduce some of the health ailments they are susceptible to. They also need to have daily walks.

Since they are small a fifteen minute walk is usually all that is needed. You also need to make sure they have a safe place to play. They love to play indoors with toys and of course have interaction with humans. They are okay in apartments, but you may find they are happy with a small backyard.

Typical ailments for teacup poodles include heart disease, eye and ear infections, digestive tract issues, and slipped stifle. They can also be affected by anemia. The toy poodle or Teacup poodle is elegant, affectionate, and sensitive. You will find they are really just a smaller version of larger poodles with the small skull, long, but narrow muzzle, and floppy ears.

They also have the characteristic curly fur that is usually shiny and soft. The coat is not as dense, but very pretty. They can be several different colours, from white to black and all those in between.

You will usually never see a multi coloured poodle. There are three grooming techniques that groomers usually use. They are Continental clip, English saddle, and the Pet clip.

Depending on whether you are going to enter your dog in shows you may just choose the pet clip for easier care of their coat. You have to brush their coat at least once a day to prevent matting and tangling. You will probably want to visit a groomer at least once a month for the clipping, but sometimes you can go a few months.

Gerry Ronson is a writer for dog training aids, dog and dog beds.

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